Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 85
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 13
- Brand:
- Category:
- Submersible borehole pumps
- Product No.:
- ZB00056510
- Sale group:
- EAN:
- 8030485083245
- Manuf. No.:
- 40SF0700000
Product variants
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/02 hydraulic part without motor (4kW)
- ZB00056534
- 1,333
- 21
- without motor
- 4
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,180.82 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/03 hydraulic part without motor (5,5kW)
- ZB00056535
- 1,333
- 32
- without motor
- 5.50
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,460.67 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/04 hydraulic part without motor (7,5kW)
- ZB00056508
- 1 333
- 42,50
- without motor
- 7,50
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,733.00 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/05 hydraulic part without motor (9,2kW)
- ZB00047125
- 1 333
- 53
- without motor
- 9,20
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,921.71 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/06 hydraulic part without motor (11kW)
- ZB00056509
- 1 333
- 63,50
- without motor
- 11
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 2,280.87 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/07 hydraulic part without motor (13-15kW)
- ZB00054321
- 1 333
- 74
- without motor
- 13
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 2,487.98 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/08 hydraulic part without motor (13kW)
- ZB00056510
- 1,333
- 85
- without motor
- 13
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 2,844.94 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/09 hydraulic part without motor (18,5kW)
- ZB00056511
- 1 333
- 95,50
- without motor
- 18,50
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 3,119.47 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/10 hydraulic part without motor (18,5kW)
- ZB00056536
- 1,333
- 106
- without motor
- 18.50
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 3,391.76 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/11 hydraulic part without motor (22kW)
- ZB00056512
- 1,333
- 117
- without motor
- 22
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 3,666.26 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/12 hydraulic part without motor (22kW)
- ZB00056537
- 1 333
- 127
- without motor
- 22
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 3,933.23 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/13 hydraulic part without motor (26-30kW)
- ZB00056513
- 1,333
- 138
- without motor
- 26
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 4,223.82 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/14 hydraulic part without motor (26kW)
- ZB00056538
- 1,333
- 148
- without motor
- 26
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 4,433.81 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/15 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
- ZB00056514
- 1,333
- 159
- without motor
- 30
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 4,778.23 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/16 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
- ZB00056515
- 1,333
- 170
- without motor
- 30
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 5,038.67 €
- Not sellable online
- Calpeda 6 SDS 58/17 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
- ZB00056516
- 1,333
- 180
- without motor
- 30
- 4
- 6
- NO
- 25
- 153
- cast iron
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 5,323.90 €
- Not sellable online
Variant Product No.
Price (VAT incl.)
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/02 hydraulic part without motor (4kW)
Product No.: ZB00056534 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485073413 Manuf. No.: 40SF0100000
1,180.82 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 21
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 4
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/03 hydraulic part without motor (5,5kW)
Product No.: ZB00056535 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485100119 Manuf. No.: 40SF0200000
1,460.67 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 5.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/04 hydraulic part without motor (7,5kW)
Product No.: ZB00056508 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485105039 Manuf. No.: 40SF0300000
1,733.00 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 42,50
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7,50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/05 hydraulic part without motor (9,2kW)
Product No.: ZB00047125 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485073420 Manuf. No.: 40SF0400000
1,921.71 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 53
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 9,20
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/06 hydraulic part without motor (11kW)
Product No.: ZB00056509 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485093510 Manuf. No.: 40SF0500000
2,280.87 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 63,50
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 11
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/07 hydraulic part without motor (13-15kW)
Product No.: ZB00054321 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485189367 Manuf. No.: 40SF0600000
2,487.98 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 74
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 13
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/08 hydraulic part without motor (13kW)
Product No.: ZB00056510 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485083245 Manuf. No.: 40SF0700000
2,844.94 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 85
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 13
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/09 hydraulic part without motor (18,5kW)
Product No.: ZB00056511 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485099871 Manuf. No.: 40SF0800000
3,119.47 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 95,50
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 18,50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/10 hydraulic part without motor (18,5kW)
Product No.: ZB00056536 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485087076 Manuf. No.: 40SF0900000
3,391.76 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 106
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 18.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/11 hydraulic part without motor (22kW)
Product No.: ZB00056512 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485331940 Manuf. No.: 40SF1000000
3,666.26 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 117
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 22
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/12 hydraulic part without motor (22kW)
Product No.: ZB00056537 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485136712 Manuf. No.: 40SF1100000
3,933.23 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 333
- Maximum head [m]
- 127
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 22
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/13 hydraulic part without motor (26-30kW)
Product No.: ZB00056513 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485265443 Manuf. No.: 40SF1200000
4,223.82 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 138
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 26
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/14 hydraulic part without motor (26kW)
Product No.: ZB00056538 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485136392 Manuf. No.: 40SF1300000
4,433.81 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 148
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 26
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/15 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
Product No.: ZB00056514 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485229896 Manuf. No.: 40SF1400000
4,778.23 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 159
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 30
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/16 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
Product No.: ZB00056515 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485621928 Manuf. No.: 40SF1500000
5,038.67 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 170
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 30
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Calpeda 6 SDS 58/17 hydraulic part without motor (30kW)
Product No.: ZB00056516 Sale group: CECP EAN: 8030485149774 Manuf. No.: 40SF1600000
5,323.90 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 180
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 30
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal
Product description
Submersible borehole pumps for 6” wells (DN 150 mm), with stages in cast iron or in bronze, on request.
Impellers: mixed flow impellers.
Connection: screwed connection ISO 228
Delivery casing with built-in non-return valve.
- For water supply.
- For civil and industrial applications.
- For fire fighting applications.
- For irrigation.
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,333
- Maximum head [m]
- 85
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 13
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 6
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 25
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 153
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- centrifugal