PUMPA blue line PRO PSX22.2 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 533
- Maximum head [m]
- 25
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Brand:
- Category:
- Wastewater pumps
- Product No.:
- ZB00061249
- Sale group:
- EAN:
- 8596455020509
Product variants
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX21.5 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061248
- 500
- 21
- 3x400
- 1.50
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 3.50
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 680.04 €
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX22.2 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061249
- 533
- 25
- 3x400
- 2.20
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 5
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse >10 pcs
- 750.39 €
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX32.2 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061251
- 917
- 18.50
- 3x400
- 2.20
- 3
- 25
- NO
- 5
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 8 pcs
- 773.83 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX23.7 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061252
- 600
- 32
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse >10 pcs
- 1,219.38 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX33.7 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061253
- 1,000
- 29
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 3
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 4 pcs
- 1,219.38 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX43.7 400V 50Hz,connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061254
- 1,583
- 18
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 3 pcs
- 1,242.83 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX45.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061255
- 1,750
- 23
- 3x400
- 5.50
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 11.40
- 40
- 15
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,524.22 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX47.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061256
- 1 467
- 41
- 3x400
- 7,50
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 15
- 40
- 8
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 2,110.47 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX67.5 400V 50Hz, connection 6", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061257
- 2,167
- 32
- 3x400
- 7.50
- 6
- 25
- NO
- 15
- 40
- 8
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 2,133.92 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSX411 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
- ZB00061259
- 1,440
- 48.50
- 3x400
- 11
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 22
- 40
- 8
- 68
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- cast iron
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 2,251.17 €
- Not sellable online
Variant Product No.
Price (VAT incl.)
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX21.5 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061248 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020493
680.04 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 500
- Maximum head [m]
- 21
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 1.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 3.50
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX22.2 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061249 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020509
750.39 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 533
- Maximum head [m]
- 25
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 5
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX32.2 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061251 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020516
773.83 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 917
- Maximum head [m]
- 18.50
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Delivery port ["]
- 3
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 5
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX23.7 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061252 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020523
1,219.38 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 600
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX33.7 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061253 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020530
1,219.38 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,000
- Maximum head [m]
- 29
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 3
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX43.7 400V 50Hz,connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061254 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020547
1,242.83 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,583
- Maximum head [m]
- 18
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX45.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061255 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020554
1,524.22 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,750
- Maximum head [m]
- 23
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 5.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 11.40
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX47.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061256 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020561
2,110.47 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1 467
- Maximum head [m]
- 41
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7,50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 15
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX67.5 400V 50Hz, connection 6", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061257 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020578
2,133.92 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 2,167
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 6
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 15
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSX411 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump without float switch
Product No.: ZB00061259 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455020585
2,251.17 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,440
- Maximum head [m]
- 48.50
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 11
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 22
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- NO
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
Product description
PUMPA Blue Line PRO PSX Application
- Pumping of drainage water containing abrasives
- For construction industry - mines, quarries, buildings
- Drainage of wastewater
Characteristic Design Features of PUMPA Blue Line PRO PSX
- High chrome alloy impeller
- Cast iron and stainless steel motor and pump body
- Increased immersion depth thanks to a special high pressure resistant mechanical seal
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 533
- Maximum head [m]
- 25
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 5
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- NO
- Off switch
- NO
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Impeller material
- cast iron
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO